Sunday, October 6, 2019

Based Occupational Therapy for Adolescent Children Research Proposal

Based Occupational Therapy for Adolescent Children - Research Proposal Example Some agencies are starting to get involve in the public information campaign on various drug prevention and control programs whereby it adheres to the idea of using social influence and role playing to discourage adolescents from starting drug use and encourage them to refuse drugs in the future and consequently improve children's social health status. Historically, human infants are born without any culture. There must be transformation by their parents, teachers, and others into cultural and socially proficiently animals. The overall process of acquiring culture is referred to as socialization. During socialization, people learn the language of the culture they are born into, so as the roles they are to play in life. For instance, girls learn how to be daughters, wives, sisters, friends, and mothers. In addition, they learn about the occupational roles that their society has in store for them. People also learn and usually adopt culture's norms through the socialization process. Norms are the conceptions of appropriate and expected behavior that are held by most members of the society. While socialization refers to the general process of acquiring culture, anthropologists use the term enculturation during the socialization process to a particular culture. Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most critical so cialization. It is then that we acquire language and learn the fundamentals of our culture. It is also when much of one's personality takes shape. But, note that if one continue to be socialized throughout lifetime. As people age, we enter new statuses and need to learn the appropriate roles for them. We also have experiences that teach us lessons and potentially lead us to alter our expectations, beliefs, and personality. For instance, the unpleasant experience of being raped would tend to cause a woman to be distrustful of others. According to Stoffel and Moyers (2004), individuals with problem on substance abuse are often referred to occupational therapy with the help of professional that deals more on self care, productivity through purposeful activities to help achieve the client's full recovery. Occupational therapy is a therapeutic activity or workshop that provides real life experiences to enhance individual's personality uplift self and has a meaningful life by means of rehabilitation. The major role of occupational therapists is to help the client become a successful member of the society again by allowing individual to develop a healthy lifestyle and participate in therapeutic activities (Gerrie ter Haar and James J. Busuttil 2005). Gordon (2003) stated that individual should change old habits by learning new skills and living a balance life that changes addictive behaviors to positive lifestyle, which uniquely outfitted to occupational therapy. Occupational therapy teaches skills to establish individual's role in the community. The purpose is to help individual balance responsibilities through learning effective coping strategies can communicate effectively and can be able adjust to stressful

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